Operation Use What’s in the Fridge and Pantry to Make a Delicious Meal….

I’m just coming off a brutal and busy couple of weeks and really need to relax and remember not everything’s about work and money. For me, that means creating something, anything. A story, a blog post, a yoga routine or in this case a meal that I don’t have to spend money on. I wokeContinue reading “Operation Use What’s in the Fridge and Pantry to Make a Delicious Meal….”

The Art of Juicing

Nowadays, you have to go out of your way to find joy.  It’s still there but hidden under layers and layers of fear, anxiety and a general feeling of impending doom.  This has become our default setting, our lock screen.  Still, it’s so important to do everything you can to find moments throughout the dayContinue reading “The Art of Juicing”