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Inside Christmas: The Main Event!! Ep. 11

The reindeer barn where Santa’s sleigh takes off from. Thousands of years ago, elves hadn’t perfected time manipulation so they had to build the barn to look like a church of the times.


Susan approved my plan. It’s pretty brilliant! Elves have been documenting their everyday experiences for thousands of years. I’m going to ask some elves to give me their documents and I’ll send them back just a few weeks, maybe even two months. I’ll send them over the internet to Fluffypants’ mom! She gave me her email. In the email, I’ll tell Mrs. Fluffypants, all about our ability to manipulate time. This is ancient elf magic and we use it so that Santa can reach ALL children in just one night. I don’t personally know how to work this magic, I’m an all trades elf not a time magic elf, but Pears has a cousin who is. I’ll get her to talk to him and we’ll see if I can send the documents to her along with some pics. I bet she’ll know what to do! We’ll see on Christmas Eve if it worked. There should be extra Christmas cheer and it should make the reindeer move faster and the bells ring louder!


It’s CHRISTMAS EVE! The most magical moment of the year! We all gathered in the reindeer barn. Santa does the same thing every year and I never get tired of it! First he makes a speech…


He looks at me and winks and says “Here goes nothing!” It really is something! He raises his arms like he’s going to hug everyone…


I started to run to Santa because he made the hug sign but I remembered what Susan said. “Don’t run to Santa during his Christmas Eve speech. You can have a hug from me after.” I wrote it down.


He thanks all of us for our hard work. All of us! Seriously, it takes foreeeevvvveeerrrr…


Then, he gets into his sleigh.. I make sure his bag of presents is properly secured for the hundredth time….


He invites us all to say the words to make the reindeer fly, some don’t actually know it so they say wrong names or just move their mouths….


On Donner! On Blixen! On Cupid! On Vixen!


Vixen is the best. She rolls her eyes when they shout her name! Ha!


On someone! On someone! On someone! On someone!


Then they start moving! They run in place for a moment and kick up some sparkly snow around their feet. It looks like a snow cloud that’s rising from the ground!


Then you can hear when they all get in sync, there’s this sound like drumming!


They all rise above the floor as they gallop in place, you can only see their antlers and the top of Santa’s hat because they’ve kicked up so much snow that it surrounds the sleigh but you can hear them! The bells are all you hear as they get faster and faster! It gets so loud that some elves with bigger ears have to cover them!


It sounded like a million elves marching really fast on a wooden floor like the one in the break room! When they started to move, all you could hear was the bells! This is so much louder than I ever imagined!


There’s a whoosh of air as they pull out…


You can hear the bells and the wind gaining speed all the way up to the northern lights. I love watching Santa’s sleigh slip through them even as the barn doors are closing!


When Santa disappeared into the lights Susan played music!


I created a play list on my phone. Susan gave me the nod and I pressed “play”. It worked!! It’s an all night sing along!!


We all cheered and hugged each other. This is why we do it! Year after year! MERRY CHRISTMAS !!





The Next Christmas


I’ve been taking the suggested courses. Elf management, elf emotional support.

It’s helpful I guess.

But what as it is about the human aspect. humans are so complicated.

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